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JPK Group



It lies at the centre of the richest and most densely populated area in Batam with 3rd floor shop house design that consist of a toilet at each floor, electric and water facilities. Located in the heart of Nagoya city where all the happenings and night entertainments that you would surely enjoy. Close to famous hospital, a few famous school in Batam, a 3 stars hotel and less than 5 minutes walk to the biggest shopping centre in Batam, The Nagoya Hill mall.

Completed : 1994
Land Area Location : approx 1,9 Hectare
Number of Shophouses : 81 Unit (87 % SOLD)

> One Complex with Seruni Hotel Batam (3 Stars Hotel) it’s also has karaoke rooms and night club
> Behind Evitel Hotel (3 Stars Hotel)
> In front of Harapan Bunda Hospital (RSHB)
> To Nagoya Hill Mall 5 Minutes

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